From Entry level to Full Production

M2-Automation’s microdispensing instruments provide the option for a variety of speed, precision and size requirements. In addition, the equipment and extension possibilities mean that they can be perfectly tailored to the specific needs of individual applications in diagnostics, drug discovery, proteomics, genomics and life sciences.
All of our microarray spotters have their advantages and specialisms in different areas, and the great thing about our intuitive and user-friendly operating software, InDot, is that it runs on all of our dispensing robots.
An exceptional feature lies in the seamless integration of all our Microdispensers across all M2-Automation Microarray Spotting Instruments. Transitions between these dispensing technologies are simple and tool-free, obviating the necessity for acquiring a supplementary instrument when operating within the realms of picoliter, nanoliter, and low-microliter volumes.
Learn more about each one of our microarray printers and the many options and possibilities available for each one. The perfect solution for your application could be just a click away.